Technical Support

CRAFTMANN™ is registered trade mark of Craftmann Accumulators OY. All other names of products and the companies, mentioned here, can be trade marks or company names of their owners.

Characteristics of products and their specifications can be changed without the prior notification from the manufacturer.

The information on presence of products and services in regions can be received at regional dealers.

The declared parameters can vary depending on a condition of phone, adjustments of phone, a SIM-card, a network operator, a mode of use and conditions of operation of phone. We try, that quality of production CRAFTMANN™ as much as possible corresponded to wishes of consumers.

If you are not satisfied by quality of any product, please, write the letter to the manager of the project. Please, specify the serial number of a product printed on packing and the name of trade company or shop, where this product has been bought.

  For Professionals
The analyzer of Canadian company CADEX will be well used for standard tests...

  For Users
We advise to carry out some general rules and Your battery will work longer.